An extensive project completed for Raw Surf. Raw has a really awesome product that brings eco-awareness and a greener surfboard option to the world.
I got to work on everything from the initial logo design – that includes aspects of elements and wellbeing, right through to the final complete website that features a full ecommerce section for sales of their awesome green surf products. This site design includes the use of illustration to build their unique brand image, along with photography (also provided by Spore!) and a short vid you can check out on Vimeo or on the Raw Surf website.
And to finish off I also designed them a couple of Tshirts (available to purchase here).
Identity, Web Design, Fashion, Illustration, Photography & Video

  • raw-surf_webraw-surf_web
  • raw-surf_logoraw-surf_logo
  • raw-surf_web-2raw-surf_web-2
  • raw-surf_traw-surf_t
  • raw-surf_t2raw-surf_t2
  • raw-surf-photoraw-surf-photo